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The ValleyDAO

The ValleyDAO community is made up of Growers. They collectively help both the organization and one another grow. The DAO is managed by a core team called the Original Growers or ‘OGs’.

Get involved by becoming a contributor. Learn more by reading our contributor handbook here and apply directly below.

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The Governance Growth Group drives the establishment, management, and evaluation of DAO-wide governance initiatives. Core activities include policy formation, decision-making strategies, stakeholder collaboration, and token-driven voting mechanisms

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The Communications Growth Group focuses on community engagement, education, social media, content creation and event hosting. This group is one of the most active ones in the organization and is always looking for writers and community gurus.

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Dealflow & Incubation

Dealflow & Incubation identifies and evaluates research projects that ValleyDAO can fund and incubate into IP and eventual commercialization. The group hosts academics, industry stakeholders, and entrepreneurs all working together to support researchers.

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DAO Structure